Erie SeaWolves celebrate Jackie Robinson Day

The Erie SeaWolves celebrated Jackie Robinson Day for his historic debut with the Dodgers 76 years ago. Robinson integrated major league baseball on April 15, 1947.

Now The Erie Seawolves president has organized a partnership with the organization 100 Black Men of Erie to commemorate Jackie Robinson Day.

Also part of the celebration, the SeaWolves have also provided more than $25,000 in ticket grants to local United Way community schools.

The vice president of 100 Black Men, which is a national mentorship organization, explained why this partnership is so important.

“Jackie Robinson day is just one component we have other events planned throughout the year that were going to emphasize,” said Matt Harris, vice president of 100 Black Men of Erie. To see the full story click here


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Telain Ware
100 Black Men of America, Inc.
[email protected]