Collegiate 100 ®

The Collegiate 100® is a campus-based student organization with its programmatic initiatives that support the development of social, emotional, and educational needs of youth who need positive role models in the communities in which they live. The Collegiate 100®program is not designed to, nor will it be permitted to operate as, as an autonomous, separate group that operates independently from the sponsoring chapter.

The Collegiate 100® (“C100”) has an important role to play on the college campus. The effective execution of that role requires that the Chapter be a responsible, productive, and cooperative segment of 100 Black Men of America, Inc. and the total college community. Membership into the Collegiate 100® is drawn primarily from African–American male and female college students through Chapters on university campuses across America. The primary purpose of the Collegiate 100® program is to provide an avenue for 100 Black Men of America, Inc. chapters to continue their one-on-one and group mentoring to students as they matriculate from high school to college; thereby supporting the Mentoring The 100 Way Across a Lifetime initiatives.

“Collegiate 100 has exposed me to an array of new experiences. Collegiate 100 took me to my first conference ever, where I gained a ton of knowledge applicable for the real world. This conference has been the best opportunity I’ve experienced during my collegiate career.”

Collegiate 100 Chapters

Collegiate 100® of Alabama A&M University Normal AL
Collegiate 100® of Alabama State University (ASU) Montgomery AL
Collegiate 100® of Shelton State Community College Tuscaloosa AL
Collegiate 100® at Tuskegee University Tuskegee AL
Collegiate 100® of University of Alabama Tuscaloosa AL.
Collegiate 100® of Bishop State Mobile AL.
Collegiate 100® of University of South Alabama Mobile AL.
Collegiate 100® of Southern Union State College Wadley AL.
Collegiate 100® of Philander Smith CollegeLittle RockArkansas
Collegiate 100® of California State University at SacramentoSacramentoCA.
Collegiate 100® of Collegiate 100®of Laney CollegeOaklandCA.


Collegiate 100® of Howard UniversityWashingtonDC
Collegiate 100® Florida A&M University Tallahassee FL
Collegiate 100® of Florida International University Miami FL
Collegiate 100® of Florida Memorial University Miami FL
Collegiate 100® of Hillsborough Community College Tampa FL
Collegiate 100® of University of South Florida Tampa FL
Collegiate 100® of Florida Gulf Coast University Fort Meyers FL
Collegiate 100® of Columbus State UniversityColumbusGA
Collegiate 100® OF Armstrong State UniversitySavannahGA
Collegiate 100® of Clark Atlanta UniversityAtlantaGA
Collegiate 100® of Georgia SouthernStatesboroGA
Collegiate 100® of Georgia State UniversityAtlantaGA
Collegiate 100® of Morehouse CollegeAtlantaGA
Collegiate 100® of Paine CollegeAugustaGA
Collegiate 100® OF Savannah State UniversitySavannahGA
Collegiate 100® of Spelman CollegeAtlantaGA
Collegiate 100® Chapter at Oglethorpe UniversityAtlantaGA
Collegiate 100® of Georgia State University-Perimeter CollegeDecaturGA
Collegiate 100® of Kennesaw State UniversityAtlantaGA
Collegiate 100® of Fort Valley State UniversityFort ValleyGA


Collegiate 100® of Southern Illinois University EdwardsvilleEdwardsvilleIL
Collegiate 100® of University of Illinois at ChicagoChicagoIL
Collegiate 100® of Indiana University of IndianapolisIndianapolisIN
Collegiate 100® of Ball State UniversityMuncieIN
Collegiate 100® of Kentucky State University Louisville KY
Collegiate 100® of Baton Rouge Community College Baton Rouge LA
Collegiate 100® of Louisiana State University Baton Rouge LA
Collegiate 100® of Southern University and A&M College Baton Rouge LA
Collegiate 100® of Xavier University of New Orleans New Orleans LA
Collegiate 100® of Bowie State UniversityBowieMD
Collegiate 100® of Morgan State UniversityBaltimoreMD
Collegiate 100® of Harris-Stowe State University St. Louis MO
Collegiate 100® of University of Missouri St. Louis St. Louis MO
Collegiate 100® of Jackson State University Jackson MS
Collegiate 100® of Rust College Holly Springs MS
Collegiate 100® of University of Tougaloo College Jackson MS
Collegiate 100® of Duke UniversityDurhamNC
Collegiate 100® of Fayetteville State UniversityFayettevilleNC
Collegiate 100® of North Carolina Central UniversityDurhamNC
Collegiate 100® of University of North Carolina at CharlotteCharlotteNC


 Collegiate 100® University of Nebraska OmahaOmahaNebraska



Collegiate 100® of University Nevada Las Vegas Las Vegas NV
Collegiate 100® of Rutgers UniversityPiscatawayNJ
Collegiate 100® of Cuyoga Community College- Metropolitan CampusClevelandOH
Collegiate 100® University of AkronAkronOH
Collegiate 100® of Community College of Allegheny County Pittsburgh PA
Collegiate 100® of Duquesne University Pittsburgh PA
Collegiate 100® of Penn State Greater Allegheny McKeesport PA
Collegiate 100® of Robert Morris University Moon Township PA
Collegiate 100® of Cheyney University Cheyney PA
Collegiate 100® of Benedict CollegeColumbiaSC.
Collegiate 100® of Lipscomb UniversityNashvilleTN
Collegiate 100® of Middle Tennessee State UniversityMurfreesboroTN
Collegiate 100® of Tennessee State UniversityNashvilleTN
Collegiate 100® of Lemoyne-Owen CollegeMemphis


Collegiate 100® of Prairie View A&M University Prairie View TX
Collegiate 100® of St. Philip’s College San Antonio TX
Collegiate 100® of Texas Southern University Houston TX
Collegiate 100® of University of Houston Houston TX
Collegiate 100® of Lamar University Beaumont TX
Collegiate 100® of Texas Tech Lubbock TX
Collegiate 100® of Huston Tillotson Autstin TX
Collegiate 100® Chapter of Paul Quinn College Dallas TX
Collegiate 100® of the University of Virginia Charlottsville VA